CHaT First Board Game for Children of Divorce

Click here to download the board game. (
Unfortunately, this game is no longer available from the original source. We are leaving this page up in hopes that it will be available again at some point in the future.
CHaT First is a website from the Children and Families in Transition Project a partnership between the Centre for Peace, Conflict and Mediation, Hawke research Institute, University of South Australia and Centacare Catholic Family Services (SA), with generous support from the Telstra Foundation. It is full of information for children and teens whose parents have separated or divorced. One of the best resources is a printable board game called the CHaT First Board game.
How It Works
The CHaT First Board Game is a question and answer board game that encourages kids and teens to answer questions from one of four decks of cards. Players take turns rolling the dice and moving along the board. This game is not about winners and losers but about the experience shared together.
Who is It For?
This is for all children who have experienced, or are experiencing, their parents divorce. It will also benefit parents and other adults who want to help those kids.
Here at I Am A Child of Divorce, we highly recommend this game. It is a fun way to spark conversation and get the ball rolling on sharing emotions and struggles.
I cannot seem to open the page to download this. It brings me to a screen that says welcome in many languages and “IIS7” help please! 🙂
The site appears to be down. I am checking with the people who put it up originally to find out if I can upload a copy of the game to our website to make it available again.
I can”t open the page to download the game. Please help!!
As of last check, this site is still down. The game has been taken down by the designer. Last I heard, they are working on getting it back up (which is why I’ve left the link up for now).
The link sends me to a Christmas gifts page?
Sorry, it is no longer available form the creator of the game. I’ve updated our site to reflect this. Hopefully it will be available again at some point in the future!