Teen Between: Support For Teenagers of Separated Parents

Teen BetweenTeen Between is a resource out of Ireland designed to help teens from divorcing families and to help parents and schools to help teens through the divorce process.  Teen Between offers in person counseling services all around the country of Ireland.  They also have an amazing website for teens dealing with the separation or divorce of their parents.

In the teen section, you will find articles and advice on how to deal with:

Many of the sections include specific tips and links to stories from other teens who have been through the divorce of their parents.  The teen section also includes a quiz which will give you insights into how you communicate when you are angry.

In addition to great information for teens, the site offers information and advice for parents on:

  1. Supporting your teenager
  2. Parenting after separation
  3. Supporting yourself
  4. Word from teenagers themselves

Finally, the site includes various resources for schools including:

  1. Warning signs that support is needed
  2. How teachers can help
  3. How schools can help
  4. Coping at schools
  5. Information for guidance counselors


